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RAKE... It is a noun and a verb. It is the great name of a KING from Balltopia. He was denied the ability to play the national pastime of his land.He could Lord over the games as a royal but he could not play. The words ,"YOU ARE ROYALTY, YOU CANNOT PLAY", sparked a fire in ole KING RAKE that could not be extinguished. Dedicated to the BAT, BALL,and GLOVE,  RAKE developed his baseball prowess in secret ,training night and day with his special bat forged from fire. His Mantra #youcantcheatthegrind would become a mantra to all future  ballplayers that train in the same vein. After a time KING RAKE joined his national team in disguise. He dropped Bomb after Bomb only to become known as the "Golden one", The greatest hitter of all time. He then revealed himself as the KING and Decreed... #baseballforeveryone

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